This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series Revelation

From the Bible we know that:

1/ The person of the antichrist is real, (Jn.17:12, 2 Thes.2:3, etc.)
2/ That there will be a change of system at a global level, (Rev.13:15-18), and . . .
3/ We also know that mystery ‘Babylon the greatwill fall, Rev.17 & 18. But it also mentions that the ‘daughter of Babylon’ will fall (Is.47, Jer.-50, 51, etc.) because Babylon & daughter are used in an interspersed way, I think it’s considered the same thing, an Empire or evil world system perpetuated & not necessarily just on a single place.

Babylon’s first mention in the Bible was as a place of rebellion against God (Gen. 11). Also they were the first to fuse religion with politics.

The first Dynasty of Babylon was made of several city-states. The firsts 4 centers of this kingdom: City of Babel (an absolute monarchy), Erech/Uruk w/ a ‘white‘ (house) temple, Accad, & Calneh (see Gen.10:10). Interestingly enough, only 3 places in the world today are independent of their own country (Babylon ‘the Great’ system?), & a landlocked independent city-state. (Is Jerusalem the 4th & last one? (Is.21):

It seems these 3 city-states represent the old system that will fall soon (starting first w/ their actual leaders: Uk=The monarchy, US= The daughter of Babylon-Military & economic empire, & the Vatican= Religious empire), to make way for a new world order. That will have all the 3 powers combined into one, with new laws, new calendar, & the Antichrist as king/world leader w/HQ in Jerusalem. (But 1st it will be war there & the antichrist will bring peace).

The new system will be a modern copy of Babylon in the times of Nimrod, (his name means rebel, he was a mighty hunterGen.10:9), & it will have a one world digital currency & a centralized religion & politics. But it will operate in complete rebellion against Almighty God.

I believe we are living in the very last days, already entering the time of the 4 seals or 4 horses of the Book of Revelation, the ‘beginning of sorrows‘ (Matt.24:8, Mk.13:8) or “the beginning of birth pains” (wars, famines, pestilences & earthquakes). We need to be very close to the Lord to be able to bear the exceedingly rough times ahead of us. Things will be worse in the US (because it’s an empire falling), but bad things will also happen around the world.

You can find next some information from different sources of what may come : Jeremy a Christian, David (see as David mentioned min.16:12).  There is also Serge M. & others. The 3 of them mentioned the same group behind these plans.

TheirGreat Awakeningis really about darkness being revealed to us all at once or using traumatic events, so we may be initiated into their false light. It’s their Masonic “Darkness toLight” initiation ritual. This deception is already at work. I know all of this may sound crazy or like a horror movie, but it’s mostly reality, & most people are not ready for what is coming.

These are not prophecies, but plans of the enemy that the Lord has exposed. The Lord has delayed their plans many times, we can expect few things to change at last minute, & also other things can be adverted with our prayers, but the Lord confirmed some of these things will happen, because of sin that abounds, which gives rights to the enemy to destroy (because of continual unrepented sin, God just removes His protection & judgment falls).

I’ll try to summarize some main points:

  •  I think some of the next events may happen soon, in the time frame of what is left of 2023 & during 2024. I’m not sure of the order of events #2 may be first & #1 may be second:

1/   David who mentioned about their plan for the flu virus outbreak, also said some outages & big blackouts are planned (to me this is confirmation of dreams I had, things will get worse afterwards), they could say it’s because of the leftists, the sun, or EMP attack, etc. They want these blackouts/darkness to be global. It will leave many people without electricity, gas pumps, traffic lights, stores, food, water, etc. (Make sure your cars batteries are protected now or have an extra battery & extra gas in a safe place, but mainly have provisions, food, water & med. enough for few months). – David also said good people would be round up during this time.

2/    According to what Jeremy was told, after accusations first to the son & then impeachment to him, the current leader will be no more ( health issues). The lady will go up. This would be the best time, to move out if possible or do as the Lord Has instructed you. There will be riots, fires, burning of some residential neighborhoods, etc.

Due to the scandals, etc. the place of leadership will be given to the previous one, the left will resist. (Elections had been manipulated for a long time, in reality the people do not elect, they are selected by V & them. This time the ‘exposure’ of fraud is planned for a reason). At the end he will be confirmed by 3 diff. courts.

Divisions will increase, the new leader, will be harmed (fake), to create chaos & a CW2 , M. law will be implemented, & it will be very difficult to get out at this time.

Coups will happen in several countries, they need militarize the cities to control people (All chaos planned to bring down the old system & implement the new, they want it at a global scale).

Also there will be an attack on US soil, (This is also confirmation, the Lord showed me this in a dream, & also a Chnss. invasion on this land).  He says the attack will be on the East coast, NY & maybe another city, I think the other city could be Wash. DC. Even he said it was planned for 2020, I believe God delayed it & it could happen at end of 2023 or 2024. They plan for a projectile to fall in the sea, close to the coast, causing tsunamis on East coast, another possible event has to do with the island La Palma, but they want a tsunami. (Pray to the Lord these things won’t happen or that He will warn a lot of people on time).

-He also mentions a bad incident with our tap water that will harm people when drinking or bathing, avoid municipal water.

– Please have bags w/ documents, cash & essentials ready. If heard a warning as possible move to higher land if living on east coast, like multi level garages at airports, etc. (Fl. is flat, please beware!).  -Others also have warned about a natural meteorite event, that will be artificially enhanced by those in power to cause more destruction & control. The enemy is coming with everything he has (& at the same time to overwhelm us w/chaos) to bring on his new system of antichrist.

Few months ago (March) the Lord woke me up, to intercede for the West coast of the entire American continent, it has to do with earthquakes, that area is called the ring of fire. These may happen w/in a year or so. Higher places are safer than coast for what is about to come, but please get also away from volcanic regions.

3/ Serge M. exposed in the 1990’s a project w/4 different steps to implement the new world religion, 1st earthquakes etc., the second step is the use of holographic images & religious images of fake Jesus among others, merging into one god , the antichrist, but also imitating fake raptures (occultist call ‘ascension‘ or WWG1WGA project). The 3rd step has to do w/ electronical telepathic two-ways communication where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach the people by the inside of their brain making each one to believe that his own ‘god’ is talking to each one from within his own soul. Please do not believe them, see Matt. 24:23 -27. This event will cause a shaking to Christian’s & others, their main goal is to implement a one world religion (Kabbalah mysticism) connected with demonic AI.

The forth step (w/ 3 orientations) mentions a realistic fake UFO invasion (see also BC & here ). Due to this or a war threat all countries will be militarized & give their authority to the UN). It seems this invasion will be exposed & blamed on our corrupted Gov. & later will present the ‘good‘ aliens to help us, but all of this is just more lies & deeper spiritual deception. (Again, some things may change with time, but we just need to be aware of their plans & pray against them).

We need to seek God with fasting & prayer for direction.

  •  Important to understand, that the Antichrist won’t come as an obvious antagonist to Christianity. In order to deceive Christians & the world, he will masquerade as a servant of ‘light‘ & righteousness 2 Cor.11:15. He will disguise himself as the solution for PEACE, justice, etc. a fake hero. He will try to imitate Jesus Christ, who is the true Light & only Savior of the world.

4/ More banks will close, market crumbles, changes to digital ID & digital currency.  And probably on first half of 2024-25, during their next redemption season (April 22-Jun.13, 2024), they will take the opportunity to ‘rescue‘ us, & introduce the new ‘Quantum Financial System‘. They say they are against the CBDC but are offering also a digital currency & few rainbow (noahide) color bills as a bait, but plan to control our spending, food, etc. even more than the bad guys. I believe they will also give the mark (Kabbalah/Luciferian Initiation) to the ones that accept their new system.

They already claim that they have a tech. to read hearts, to choose who is good to receive & who is bad to then be rejected & eliminated. Remember, no one can read the hearts of people, bring global peace or end evil, only God is able! (Jer.17:10 & 20:12, Ro.8:27, Rev. 2:23). Are we going to believe men or God? If you believe them it means you are rejecting God’s Word/Truth. Their plan is to implement their new Age of Aquarius, their Golden era with their ‘new age’ false christ =G5547. (or false anointed one).

This new monetary system (Nesara) is the antichrist’s system, also promoted by  occultists & more specifically the goals come through a ‘spirit guide’ who calls himself St Germain, supposedly he is ascended master No.7 of the seven rays.

– A well known political movement is being used to prepare conservative people & Christians to accept the mark, they have been playing the good cop vs the bad cop, but both sides are the wings of the same bird, same mafia. (Check meaning of their motto & 1). People may say ‘they are against the shot so they most be good people‘, this is just a tactic, & this logic will get you falling for deception after deception. Beloved learn the Word of God & test the spirits (1 Jn 4:15).

Some sincere ones part of this political movement, are just being deceived by their leaders & sadly they are deceiving many others, mixing truth w/lies.  Never trust men’s plan, (Jer.17:5-10) always put your trust in God alone! Prov.3:5-6.

In order not to lose money deposited in the banks, many people will accept their terms, those who do not accept and are already present at their ‘Redemption Centers‘ will be taken away to a place. The Bible mentions what happens to them that reject the mark of the beast. Please be warned & warn others, it’s a trap. Sadly there are many that love money & believe in the wealth transfer deception. (True Christians don’t need to be redeem, we were already redeem through the blood of Christ, –Eph.1:7, Heb.9 & we only await redemption of our physical bodies [the rapture] to leave this earth, nothing else).

Individual appointments will be send to people’s phones (like an EBS) if people don’t go, they will go to their houses, they say it’s mandatory (there are many red flags for you to see). This will happen first in US & parts of EU. People won’t have phone signal, no internet, no news, etc. So they won’t know or be able to warn others of what is really happening at those ‘Redemption‘ centers, or about the mark.  There, they will have 9 stations to go through & they will give quantum phones, quantum lap tops, a membershipthe mark, but also non disclosure agreements to be signed, you will be well monitored afterwards.

They plan to show through tv system, what the ‘bad’ guys did (most is true but they won’t tell you the whole truth that they also are involved), & that they have also judged & destroyed all of them (false), they will say they are the ‘good’ guys, cleaning the world from evil & looking to rescue you, but it’s all a BIG lie, a trick (like a lizard that sacrifices its tail), they are the same mafia, just different players, a changing of the guard, a clever trap in order to eliminate us. Believers and those who do not accept their change to the new monetary system/mark will be persecuted (5th seal). Sadly the vaccinated have already tracking devices.


The Lord will shorten those days, and it’s my believe that some time during the sixth seal He will rapture His church, those who really love Him, & are waiting for His return.

  • Something to consider that may help us as a warning to move out or to warn others, before the planned big events happens, could be this:

If any of the 3 current heads (mentioned above) happens to fall, specially leader of daughter of Babylon, then it may help us to know that there would be very little time left, for those who want to get out, or want to go to higher land, would manage to do so. But what ever you decide to stay or to go, please get closer to God now, pray fervently & try to be prepared for what is coming. Beloved it’s critical that in these times you exercise spiritual discernment lest you fall.

But don’t despair, let us live fully for the Lord. He is coming soon & still Has plans for us, also remember always, Jesus is our refuge! He will never leave us nor forsake us (Mat.28:20, Heb.13:5, 1 Pet.5:7). He will empower His Church for the task ahead. Please pray for one another. I’m praying for all readers of this blog, I would also appreciate very much your prayers. Thank you, God bless & protect you all!


Above point 2/ Politics: See News  Dec.7, 2023.

Old Babylon System falling: Jan.5/24- King Charles Facing call to abdicate,  -Feb.6/24 – Diagnosed w/cancer

Point 2/ Water: Mar.20- Water Supply danger. – May 26/24 – Drinking Water Warning Issued Nationwide  – More here.

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