Cristo La Verdad

Christ the Truth - John 14:6

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Gospel of John, Ch.12, Pt.2

This entry is part 17 of 17 in the series John

Gospel according to John, Chapter 12Read &/or listen from the Bible.

Part 2:
5/ Jesus Predicts His death on the Cross    – Jn 12:27-36
6/ The Unbelief of the Jews                                – Jn 12:37-43
7/ Judgment by Jesus’ Word                             – Jn 12:44-50

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Gospel of John, Ch.12, Pt.1

This entry is part 16 of 17 in the series John

Gospel according to John, Chapter 12Read &/or listen from the Bible.

Part 1:

1/ The Anointing at Bethany            – Jn 12:1-8
2/ The Plot to kill Lazarus                  – Jn 12:9-11
3/ The Triumphal Entry                       – Jn 12:12-19
4/ Some Greek Seek Jesus                – Jn 12:20-26

Part 2:
5/ Jesus Predicts His death on the Cross    – Jn 12:27-36
6/ The Unbelief of the Jews                                – Jn 12:37-43
7/ Judgment by Jesus’ Word                             – Jn 12:44-50

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Gospel of John- Chap. 11, Pt.2

This entry is part 15 of 17 in the series John

Gospel according to John, Chapter 11Read &/or listen from the Bible.

Part 1:

1/ The Death of Lazarus                            – Jn 11:1-16
2/ Jesus the Resurrection & the Life – Jn 11:17-27
3/ Jesus Weeps                                               – Jn 11:28-37

Part 2:

4/ Lazarus raised from the Death       – Jn 11:38-44
5/ Plot to kill Jesus                                       – Jn 11:45-57

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Addendum to the 10 Commandments?

This entry is part 9 of 7 in the series One World Religion

We can see the New World Religion finishing the last details to be presented globally. First in September 14th 2022, there was an interfaith meeting for peace, with religious leaders of 50 countries at the World Religious Congress,  & recently Nov. 6-18, in Egypt at the Climate Change Summit of the UN called “COP 27” some religious leaders proposed an addendum to the 10 commandments:

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Gospel of John- Chap. 11, Pt.1

This entry is part 14 of 17 in the series John

Gospel according to John, Chapter 11Read &/or listen from the Bible.

Part 1:

1/ The Death of Lazarus                            – Jn 11:1-16
2/ Jesus the Resurrection & the Life – Jn 11:17-27
3/ Jesus Weeps                                               – Jn 11:28-37

Part 2:

4/ Lazarus raised from the Death        – Jn 11:38-44
5/ Plot to kill Jesus                                        – Jn 11:45-57

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Gospel of John- Chap. 10, Pt.1

This entry is part 12 of 17 in the series John

Gospel according to John, Chapter 10Read &/or listen from the Bible.

1/ Jesus the TRUE Shepherd                – Jn 10:1-6
2/ Jesus the GOOD Shepherd             – Jn 10:7-21
3/  The Shepherd Knows His Sheep  – Jn 10:22-29
4/ Renew Efforts to Stone Jesus         – Jn 10:30-39
5/ The Believers Beyond the Jordan- Jn 10:40-42

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