This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Judgement

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; Eph. 6:18

This post is an urgent call to prayer.  I’m not a prophet… and have never pretended to be one. I’m just a watchman, an intercessor. But for many years the Lord has been showing me (as many others) through dreams and the Scriptures that judgment is coming. But this is not just about God’s judgment to the nations, this post is about judgment to His house, because before God judges the nations of the world, He’ll first begin to clean & bring order to His house .

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? 1 Peter 4: 17-18

Last night I had a dream about the judgment that is soon to come, I felt so much anguish trying to warn the people in the dream, but for many it was to late, the people (as well as the church) is distracted, they didn’t want to listen, they were caught unaware,  unprepared, they were busy. The church in general (except for a minority) is busy playing what they believe church is suppose to look like, but it has become a system full of programs and men’s agendas, and many have not noticed that their message is contaminated, that there is pride, that they look and behave more & more like the world, and that God’s presence has already departed from the midst of their gatherings.

Several months ago also while dreaming, I heard the word ‘SOFONIAS ‘ (Zephaniah in Spanish), just the name, it got nothing to do with what I was dreaming at the moment. I remembered when I woke up, but I got busy with my daily chores and forgot about itThen 3 days later, very early in the morning  it happened again, but this time as soon as I woke up, before even making breakfast, I went & looked for the book of Zephaniah, it has only 3 chapters. I don’t remember reading this book before and didn’t know what the book was about.  But it talks about the judgment of God.

Zephaniah means “Hidden in the Lord,  He whom Jehovah has hid” My study bible says that his name is connected with the ministry of Jesus Christ, the ‘Passover Lamb‘, & mentions the Passover in Egypt when God’s people hid in their houses marked with the blood of the lamb while passing God’s judgment (the plagues) on the land of Egypt. (This also reminded me of Isaiah 26:20 &  Rev.18:4).

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