Cristo La Verdad

Christ the Truth - John 14:6

Page 7 of 17

Calvinism Versus “Created to Choose and to Reason”

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Calvinism

By Bob Kirkland

Genesis 1:26 says, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” To be made in the image and likeness of God is multifaceted. Scripture, of course, makes it clear that man is not divine or a part of God, and it would be wrong for us to think so. However, it would also be wrong to minimize man to something he is not by stripping him of the abilities and attributes God has given him. So, even though Adam fell, man still has a soul. And man still has the ability to choose and to reason. These attributes were not taken from man when Adam fell as is very evident by simple observation. In Scripture, God commands the sinner to reason, to choose, and to repent. God’s grace operates in our lives in a viable active way (not a passive way).

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Gospel of John- Chap. 6, pt.2

This entry is part 6 of 17 in the series John

Gospel according to John, Chapter 6:  Read &/or listen from the Bible.

1/ The Feeding of the Five Thousand, John 6:1-15 – See Pt.1
2/ Jesus Walks on the Sea, John 6:16-21                      – See Pt.1

3/ Jesus  the Bread from Heaven, John 6:22-40
4/ Rejected by His Own, why did Jesus offend Some people (video). John 6:35-66
5/ The Words of Eternal Life, (video) John 6:66-71

3/ Jesus  the Bread from Heaven, John 6:22-40

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Misuse of 1 Timothy 2:12

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Misuse of Bible verses

When reading superficially & not deeply studying the Scriptures it’s easy to take them out of context. For this reason it’s necessary to better refrain from teaching the Word of God to  a group of people (this isn’t witnessing) or become Bible teachers without understanding the whole counsel of God first.

One of the main responsibility of Bible teachers, church leaders & any mature Christian is to protect the truth of the Gospel from false teachings. This includes the misuse of many bible verses by some denominations, but the abuse of misquoted Scriptures still continues until these days.

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