Christ the Truth - John 14:6

Tag: Questions

Once Saved, Always Saved?

Some Christians believe that once you are saved you will always remain saved, and that no matter what you do after that, including sinning, your salvation is still secured. Some others will add that if you sin willingly, then it is because you were never saved in the first place; even after 20 or more years of walking faithfully with God, if you fall, it means you were never really saved.

We’ll try to explain our position on this subject. We are not attacking people who believe differently, we are not questioning their salvation or attacking their character. We believe this is a very important doctrine, but we also think it is still not an issue to divide over if the person has the Foundational Doctrines right,  unless ‘Once Saved, Always Saved’ is used as a license to sin.  Sound Doctrine is very important because what we believe is going to affect our actions & way of living.

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Does God harden hearts? Pt.1

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Importance of The Heart

God places on us the responsibility to guard our hearts from hardening. Deut. 15:7, Prov.4:23, Prov. 28: 14  We are warned NOT to harden our hearts.

So what about the passages where God hardens peoples hearts? The main confusion people encounter in this regard has to do with Calvinist’s teachings that say passages which speak of God hardening human hearts prove God’s selective election & determinism from the foundation of the world. That God hardens the hearts of people not elected for heaven so they won’t receive salvation.

But God is not saying one thing and doing another. God is Just! Deut. 32:4, Jeremiah 17:10Job 34:12 , etc.

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Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

It’s that time of year again when the controversy of whether or not Christians should participate in Halloween begins to pop up. I found that some evangelical pastors, evangelist, singers, etc. are recommending  Christians to not be afraid of participating in this holiday and some even say Halloween is really a ‘Christian’ holiday.

We should ask ourselves first,  what is the origin of Halloween ?  – As innocent as Halloween may seem to some, it is not something to be taken lightly.  The Word of God give us some principles on which we can make a decision. 1 Cor. 10:31 says: ” Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God“.   Do we glorify God by celebrating or participating in this holiday?

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