Christ the Truth - John 14:6

Series: Unsound Doctrines

Latter Rain Movement

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Unsound Doctrines

Sound doctrine is very important to God, in His Word He directs us to teach it, & hold fast unto it ( 2 John 1:9-11, Titus 2:7,  etc.). For that reason it should also be important to us & it needs to be guarded and contended for. (Jude 3-4, Rom. 16:17-18). More often people depart from the truth (apostasy) because they did not have sound doctrine as their basis.

We as Christians follow the teachings of Jesus (sound doctrine) that are found in the Bible, unsound doctrine is the teaching that contradicts or disagree with the Word of God.

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Dominion or Kingdom Now Theology

This entry is part 2 of 9 in the series Unsound Doctrines

When we put aside the Truth of the Bible in exchange for the uncertainty of feelings & emotions we are essentially leaving ‘faith in what God said’ over to what our easily deceitful hearts dictate, just like Adam & Eve did in the garden.

Dominion Theology is the believe, that it is Christians’ job to to take control or exercise dominion of the world,  imposing a ‘biblical’ rule. They said ‘Christ will not return, until the church had claimed dominion over ALL of the world’s governments and institutions‘, meaning the 7 mountains or spheres: 1. Home, 2. Religion/Church, 3. Education, 4. Government  & military, 5. The media, 6. Arts, entertainment & sports, 7. Commerce, science, & technology. They say God gave us the mandate in Genesis 1:28.

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Spiritual Covering & Shepherding Movement

This entry is part 3 of 9 in the series Unsound Doctrines

On 1973  a doctrine about the need of ‘Spiritual Covering’ or submitting to a shepherd was promoted by the “Shepherding Movement, this movement affected many church denominations mainly charismatics but also Reformed, not only in America but also around the world.  The teaching of spiritual covering has been blamed for various levels of authoritarian abuse, church splits, families splits, etc. to the point that 2 of its early proponents left the group: Derek Prince, who withdrew in 1983, explained publicly : “we were guilty of the Galatian error:  having begun in the Spirit, we quickly regenerated into the flesh.” & Bob Mumford in 1989 offered a public apology for being involved in it & admitted the movement was a mistake. He  said this resulted in “perverse and unbiblical obedience” to leaders.

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God’s Voice?

This entry is part 4 of 9 in the series Unsound Doctrines

All moves of the Spirit, all insights, all “whispers in the heart” should be checked against Scripture. There is a reason why God besides sending us His Son & His Holy Spirit, also gave us His written Word. How can we know for sure something is from God? By reading the Bible. Our final authority in doctrine & practice is the Word of God, not men. If any doctrine, manifestation, spiritual exercise (activation), etc. is NOT in the Scriptures, then beloved we should avoid it, we don’t need it! Be very careful with those teachers who say they have new revelations from God! 2 Tim. 3:16-17 says:

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Rhema vs. Logos

This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series Unsound Doctrines

A long time ago at my church, I was taught that there was a difference between the Greek words Logos and Rhema, both translate ‘word‘. I don’t know if that was a regular Christian teaching out pastor had or if it had to do because at the time he was being influenced by the ‘New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)’ teachers. But we were taught that:

  • Rhema meant a “fresh spoken/living” word, & Logos meant “written” word.

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The Manifested Sons of God

This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series Unsound Doctrines

 “And we beseech you brethren, to know (G1492) them which labour among you…” 1 Th. 5:12

This is a distinctive Gnostic doctrine (attaining godhood) that came out of the Latter Rain Movement & was taught by William Branham, who also said that Jesus emptied Himself by pouring Himself into the church and that his church was now the fullness of God in bodily form.

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‘Unio Mystica’

This entry is part 7 of 9 in the series Unsound Doctrines

A few years back in a bible study group we were presented with The Truth Project, (1). I remember their eighth lesson was: “Unio Mystica: Am I Alone?”.  ‘Unio mystica’, as defined by presenter Mr. Tackett (a Calvinist), is the mystical union between God and man. I heard before the term used by mystics of the Catholic Church & also in New Age writings, but it was first time I heard the word from an ‘Evangelical’ teacher.  Now the term is becoming more & more common these days.

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Healing in the Atonement?

This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series Unsound Doctrines

New Apostolic Reformation’s (NAR) teachers claim they alone preach a unique (different) gospel, the ‘gospel of The Kingdom’ and part of their gospel is that while living on earth ALLphysical healing‘ is included/paid in the atonement.

First of all beloved, let us clarify that we believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit & believe that God heals today, but we also know the gospel of ‘salvation’ that the apostles preached was this:.

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