Christ the Truth - John 14:6

Series: Antichrist

Antichrist, Pt.1 – False Messiah

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Antichrist

The word Antichrist means = One who opposes Christ, or who puts himself in the place of Christ, a false Christ.

In the Scriptures we find 2 main concepts of Antichrist:

1 / A spirit – That operates in false believers, heretics, etc. who oppose Jesus Christ Divinity, His teachings, etc. (1 John 2: 22-23, 2 Jn.1:7) and of these kind there are many in the world. But also there are some men who usurp Christ’s place and who call themselves saviors, messiahs, etc. So they operate under the influence of this spirit of antichrist.

2 / A man – The bible also speaks of a particular man coming, the man of sin, the son of perdition, that by Satan’s works at the end of times, will make great signs and that will oppose Jesus Christ teachings and put himself in Christ’s place, deceiving many.

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Antichrist, – Worship of the Snake

This entry is part 4 of 3 in the series Antichrist

Back in the post, Snake on the pole, we talked about how the people of Israel worshiped the serpent that Moses made. The snake was destroyed by king Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:3-4) but unfortunately it didn’t end there, the worship to the snake still continues to this very day.

In this post we’ll try to show you a glimpse of that. In the past months of May-July, there was an art exhibition in New York at Rockefeller Center: ‘Uraeus‘ (Sacred Serpent) made by Kabbalist (1) artist Anselm Kiefer:

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